Click here for “free” software
Conor Myhrvold over at Ars Technica did a really interesting experiment recently regarding “free” downloads. In essence he searched around for free wallpapers, free screensavers, etc; whatever a technologically inept person would typically search for. Unsurprisingly, bundled along with his free download came a lot of 3rd party software, many of which was adware. His experiment demonstrates the relative ease it is for a user to get infected with all sorts of unwanted programs; some of which the user may not know they have downloaded.
This leads us to a few trends:
- Technologically illiterate users tend to follow predictable trends
- Technologically advanced users prey on these predictable trends
- This has been spreading from computers to facebook and mobile platforms
- Don’t just download anything that is slated “free”
- Check to find if the source of the download is reputable
- Have strong antivirus and anti-adware software
- When installing bundled software, uncheck the additional installers
Free Software to help you:
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